

Acadiana Kennel Club, Inc.

Acadiana Kennel Club in Lafayette, LA. We are a local AKC club that hosts dog events such as conformation and agility. We are passionate about the education and continuation of purebred dogs! Please message us to get involved!

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Address : Lafayette, Louisiana

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News and Events


Monthly Club Meetings

2nd Wednesday of each month

Our club meets at 6 pm on the second Wednesday evening of each month at Acadiana C.A.R.E.S, 809 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Lafayette, LA. Meetings last about an hour.

Guests are welcome!

Conformation Classes

Most Saturdays at 9:30am - 10:30am

We host handling classes to help you and your dog get ready for conformation shows. Currently classes are held most Saturday mornings at 9:30 am at Acadiana C.A.R.E.S All dogs must be at least 16 weeks old and show proof of updated vaccinations. Classes are $5 for an hour long session and are conducted by experienced handlers.